Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"I Dare You to Try and Quit!!!!!!"

I am watching "The Biggest Loser" for the first time ever. Can you imagine being told you is the fattest jawn EVER on the show? How's that for a blow to the ego? Not only are you fat, you are also the fattest. Aw shucks, now they just introduced the biggest dude too.

I have decided to postpone the Master Cleanse for reasons related purely to fueling up on extra toxins and drinking a few more nights away. I want to be extra toxic when I start.


Hannah.5¢ said...

i used to go to the gym so i could watch the biggest loser while on the treadmill.
then i started smoking instead of the gym.

master cleanse is gonna be hard girl.
maybe take a week off to do it? go to the parents house or something?

make toxic your anthem until you start.

ponyforpony said...

hannah's right the cleanse is hard but if i know anything about jackie g.: she's tough as nails and better looking than any super model. p.s. i realised that i love yr blog when you got super-meta, talking about that blowjob/blog... a m a z i n g