Monday, December 29, 2008


I am watching the rebroadcast of "The City." I am not really paying attention because I just read the Swiss cheese thing outloud to my roommates, but I just noticed that Whiney (that was a typo, but I have to leave it) has two hot dudes fighting over her during Bobby Brown's "My Perogative." Why does this only happen on TV and Reality TV? It's not fair. I want this to happen to me on New Years Eve.

I promise to talk less about MTV.

SMART TALK: A point of brilliance remarked by my good old friend Matt Greenberg: "When is Miley Cyrus going to do a cover of 'Achy Breaky Heart?'" If someone can answer this question, or this cover already exists, please text message me a URL embedded in diamonds.

1 comment:

ponyforpony said...

as we speak... i'm watching/ well half-watching the city. why are you always so relevant?!
let's get our faces so close we can hear eachother's hearts beat and then i'll pick you up and spin you around