Tonight we watched The Cosby Show mainly to study the family's fashions. The Huxtables are a good-looking family.
This is going to be Party Boy's look for Winter 09. Lots of bright colored button-downs and subtle cardigans. Look at the way those colors match!
The Huxable girls are no exception. You can't tell by the photo (in which Vanessa is giving Rudy advice on a school project) but Vanessa's sweatshirt is asymmetrical. Stylish! She also confirms that I should continue pursuing a Walkman on eBay.
And Miss Tyra Banks needs to recognize: fierce be Claire Huxtable, Esq. She knows how to hold it down. She always looks fabulous doing it, even in a lumberjack flannel.
I think Denise gets it from her mom. I like when she goes through her Afro-centric phase and her outfits get completely ethnic and bat shit crazy. But Denise takes risks. I like that about her.
Then Theo's math teacher, Mrs. Westlake, comes over for dinner
Mrs. Westlake is like the Salma Hayek of math teachers!
The Huxtables are so goddamn stylish. Fashion directors for H+M or UNIQULO need to takes notes. I need these Cosby fashions.
I laughed hardily.
I am going to read most often.
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